
Version 1.0

Hosted fields are a common approach to card capture. They offer greater control over UX than a fully hosted payment page, but with similar low levels of PCI compliance overhead. Under this model, individual input fields are hosted within their own iFrames, which are served by Smartpay Fuse, to capture sensitive cardholder data. Any data sent in a form post is dispatched to Smartpay Fuse, so no cardholder data ever transits your servers or service. This reduces your exposure to sensitive cardholder data, whilst allowing you to fully customise and control the checkout experience.

Flex Microform is the Smartpay Fuse hosted field solution. It offers you the ability to securely tokenise (store) card data for both immediate and future payments. This is achieved by replacing card details submitted by a consumer with a card token that can be presented in place of the actual card number in future API calls.

This guide will help you plan your integration, including providing a brief overview of the steps necessary to implement Flex Microform and links to helpful guides.

A microform integration is quite simple and requires the following steps to be performed by your software:

  • Server-side request: from your back-end to our service. This creates a time limited, signed JWT (the “capture context”) that encodes key parameters of the transaction. This includes the transaction details, target origin and one-time use public keys. This JWT can then be safely passed to your client side application to prime the client side JavaScript library and pass card details to our service.
  • Client-side implementation: on your front-end application. Embed our Flex Microform JavaScript library in your page and initialise it with the “capture context” generated by your server-side request. The library uses containers in your page to render iFrames. On-page submission will use the capture context and field content to generate, and return to your page, a PCI safe “transient token” that represents the cardholder details. A token is transient because it is valid for only 15 minutes.
  • Validate and use the transient token: pass the transient token representing the cardholder details to your service and make API calls to progress a transaction using the token.

If Flex Microforms sounds like the right integration option for your needs and integration appetite, then read on and review the Key Information below to find out more. Find out the steps required to get a simple integration running in the Getting Started section below.

Key information

  • No card data on your estate; full payment flow control, minimal PCI overhead
  • Accept a wide range of card types such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express
  • You are in full control of the look and feel of your card capture pages
  • Tokenise customer cards to control the payment flow yourself
  • Use one of our back-end APIs for full control of the payment process after tokenizing the cardholder details (see Getting Started)
  • Less complex than API only, direct integration (a little more involved than a fully Hosted Payment page)


Flex Microforms are one integration option available for you to start accepting payments on your site. It exists alongside the other key integration options offered by Smartpay Fuse, each of which offers a subtly different range of capabilities. Before starting integration, it is important to ensure that the option you select provides the right features to meet your business needs.

The table below compares the key features of Smartpay Fuse and how these are supported by the different integration options.

 Features  Virtual Terminal (in EBC *1)  Plugins (eCommerce platforms)   Hosted Payment Page   Direct API Integration (REST API Only)   Hosted Fields (Flex Microform + REST API) 
 PCI overhead SAQ C-VT Mixed *2 SAQ A SAQ D SAQ A *3
 Transaction Types  
  • Auth only
yes yes (all plugins) yes yes yes *7
  • Auth and capture
yes yes (all plugins) yes yes yes *7
  • Tokenise card (Credentials on file) 
yes yes yes *4 yes yes *7

 CIT (initial/subsequent)

yes yes yes *4 yes yes *7

MIT (continuous authority)

no some *6 no yes yes *7
  • Refund (standalone)
yes *8 some *6 via REST API & EBC*1 yes yes *7
  • Refund (existing transaction)
yes yes (all plugins) via REST API & EBC*1 yes yes *7
  • Reversal
yes yes (all plugins) via REST API & EBC*1 yes yes *7
  • Capture of standalone auth
no yes (all plugins) via REST API & EBC*1 yes yes *7
 3D Secure Payer Authentication (v2)  n/a yes (all plugins) yes yes yes *7
 Account validation / verification n/a some *6 yes yes yes *7
 Basic fraud check rules *5 yes yes (all plugins) yes yes yes *7
 Low value exemptions n/a no yes yes yes *7
 AVS/CSC auto reversal/blocking yes *8 yes *6 *8 yes *8 yes *8 yes *7*8
 Digital wallets / APMs  
  • Apple Pay
n/a some *6 no yes no *7
  • Google Pay
n/a some *6 no yes no *7
 Card types supported  
  • Visa
yes yes yes yes yes
  • Mastercard
yes yes yes yes yes
  • Amex
yes *8 yes *8 yes *8 yes *8 yes *8
  • eCommerce
no yes yes yes yes *7
  • Moto
yes some *6 yes *8 yes yes *7

If the capability you need is not supported by the Flex Microform solution, then you should consider one of the alternate integration options.

For more information on each of the options please see the following Quick Start guides:

  • eCommerce Platform Plugins: easy integration to supported eCommerce platforms
  • Virtual Terminal: no integration required, servicing agents can take payments using our back office portal
  • Hosted Paymentminimal integration, initiate the payment page & it takes care of the whole payment flow
  • Direct Integration:  capture the card details yourself and initiate payment from your back-end through our APIs

If you have any questions about the Flex Microform product or its suitability for your needs then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

*1 - EBC is our back-office servicing portal; the Enterprise Business Center.
*2 - Different plugins use different integration methods. Please see te Hosted Payment Page, Hosted Fields (Flex Microform) and REST API guides for more details on the PCI implications of those integration approaches. If you are in any doubt about PCI, please get in contact.
*3 - SAQ A when using Flex Microforms to tokenize from web-applications.
*4 - Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout can create tokenise from initial CIT transactions that can be used for subsequent CIT transactions.
*5 - Basic velocity rules via Decision Manager only available to SME clients; advanced fraud check and TRA on a case by case base.
*6 - Only available on some of our plugins, please see individual plugin solution pages.
*7 - Flex Microform simply allows card numbers to be tokenised in a PCI safe way; using the resulting transient token to process or manage the transaction is done with the direct integration REST API.
*8 - These features are not enabled out of the box and need further configuration by support teams, please contact support.

Using the Flex Microform approach to take payments can be considered a medium effort integration option. You will need to code for priming the process with the generation of a “capture context” and then embed and initialise a client-side JavaScript library with the capture context JWT. Tokenization of the cardholder details is performed for you by our JavaScript library and you will then need to manage the transaction through the rest of its lifecycle using the tokenized cardholder details and our back-end APIs.

The payment flow requires a combination of browser and back-end integration.

The following flow illustrates the stages of the payment flow:

This integration method offers low risk for merchants, as cardholder data does not transit merchant servers or networks. Card details are entered on a customer browser and are sent directly to the Smartpay Fuse payment gateway.

Flex Microform hosted fields are rendered within secure iFrames that are hosted by the Smartpay Fuse payment gateway. When the form is submitted, payment data is submitted directly to Barclaycard and never touches your systems.

This integration option attracts a PCI SAQ A level of compliance when used to host payment form frames within a web page. If you have any questions or concerns about the PCI implications of using Flex Microforms then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Getting started

Further information

The full Flex Microform guide can be found here

Test card numbers and the testing guide here.

Payer authentication test card numbers and use cases here.

GitHub repositories list: NodeJS, DotNet, PHP, Java

If you have any questions about the Flex Microform product for Hosted Fields or its suitability for your needs then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.